This will be my first health review and of course I want to make it a good one! I chose to feature a product that I have been using for some time now and that I have seen it help a lot of people, including my mom. The only problem I see with the product is that you have to take it everyday to get results. It does not work like a drug where people may feel things instantly. It is called Cardio Cocktail.
If you have not guessed by the name, it is a product designed to support cardiovascular health. My mom was diagnosed several years ago with pulmonary hypertension. Every time I would call her she would be out of breath. When I would ask her what she was doing she would basically tell me nothing and when I would ask about being out of breath she would give me some excuse about doing some work around the house. I finally bought a DPA machine which measures elasticity of your arteries. The more flexible the arteries the better your circulation.
When I tested my mom she tested poorly. In fact she was at the end of the spectrum of measurability on the machine. I started her on 3 ounces of Cardio Cocktail per day and within 3 days the flexibility in her arteries returned to almost normal. Why, well because Cardio Cocktail contains arginine an amino acid that gets the body to produce Nitric Oxide. No this is not laughing gas, that is nitrous oxide. Nitric Oxide produced by the body allows blood vessels to relax. Certainly this would be beneficial for anyone with any type of hypertension. The incident with my mom happened several years ago and as long as she stays on the Cardio Cocktail she does fine.
Recently I went to Las Vegas to visit my mom and she is breathing heavy again. So I ask; "Are you still taking your Cardio Cocktail?" Answer; "No." "Why Not?" "I just haven't been." Well after preparing it every morning while I was there and making sure she was taking it her breathing got better. Even her friends started to notice the improvement and wanted to know what she was doing. She has promised me now that she will take it everyday! I hope so because it is making a difference in her life and I will be able to tell if she stops taking it. If you want to know more about Cardio Cocktail please click the link. It may help someone you love.
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